


An ESG report or Sustainability report is a report published by a company or organization about environmental, social and governance (ESG) impacts. It enables the company to be more transparent about the risks and opportunities it faces. It is a communication tool that plays an important role in convincing sceptical observers that the company’s actions are sincere.


The EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) is a policy requiring large companies and public-interest entities operating in the EU to disclose information on their ESG performance annually.

ESG Topics


These three topics—environmental, social, and governance—comprise the ESG framework, enabling comprehensive assessment of a company’s sustainability practices and responsible business conduct.

Reporting criteria.


The CSRD will cover all large companies that meet two of the following three criterias.

01. Number of employees

More than 250 employees on the payroll (average over a year).

02. Turnover

Turnover exceeding €50 million per year.

03. Balance sheet total

A balance sheet total of more than €25 million.


When does the CSRD take effect for different types of companies?

Our services.


At One Click ESG, we can help you get ready with the following steps. You can also take a look at our brochure for more information.

We believe that starting with the right organizational setup is the first step to start your journey. We specialize in helping organizations lay the foundation for sustainability and achieve compliance with the CSRD. We collaborate with you to define clear roles and responsibilities for sustainability throughout the organization.

We conduct comprehensive materiality assessments to identify the most significant ESG issues specific to your business and industry. Our experts help prioritize ESG topics based on their impact, stakeholder expectations, and regulatory requirements. Through a rigorous analysis, we ensure that your sustainability efforts address the issues that matter most to your business and stakeholders.

We help your company setting measurable and achievable targets for improving its ESG performance and reporting. It involves defining key performance indicators (KPIs), baselines, benchmarks, timeframes, responsibilities and resources.

We identify and address the gaps or weaknesses in your current ESG reporting practices. It involves reviewing the quality, completeness and consistency of your ESG disclosures, comparing them with the expectations of your stakeholders and the requirements of relevant standards or frameworks.

At One Click ESG, we specialize in conducting comprehensive ESG Data Collection Gap Analysis. Our service helps organizations identify areas for improvement and optimization in their data collection processes, ensuring the accuracy, completeness, and efficiency of their ESG reporting.

We offer expert guidance on developing an effective ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) data collection strategy. We understand that robust data is the foundation of informed decision-making and meaningful sustainability reporting. Our services empower organizations to collect relevant ESG data efficiently and derive actionable insights.

With our in-depth knowledge of the CSRD framework, we ensure that your ESG reporting aligns with the specific reporting obligations outlined in the directive. We help you structure your reporting in a way that meets the CSRD criteria while providing meaningful insights for stakeholders.

Our team.

Meet our diverse team

A Chartered Accountant (RA) with over 10 years of expertise in financial and non-financial reporting and audit. With a strong aptitude for project management and a structured, hands-on approach, he ensures the reliability and completeness of ESG reports, contributing to a seamless audit process.

Hasib Sharifzada MSc RA, Founder at One Click ESG

Meet our Sustainability Expert, well-versed in environmental topics (ESRS E1-E5), GHG accounting, and carbon reduction strategies. With her experience, she ensures reliable sustainability reporting and assessments of the impact of climate change and sustainability initiatives.

Selin Aleksieva, Sustainability expert

Meet Pratik, our Environmental Expert, focusing on ESRS E1-E5 topics, well-versed in environmental materiality topics. With his background as a graduate student in Climate Studies and Environmental Systems Analysis, and previous work experience in the sustainability industry, he ensures reliable assessment and reporting of your ESG needs

Pratik Gupta MSc, Sustainability expert

Meet our Social and Governance Expert (ESRS S1 and G1), specializing in HR and legal & governance matters. With her passion for social impact and ethical governance, she guides organizations towards sustainable growth and inclusive practices. Partner with our expert to navigate social and governance complexities with confidence.

Hilij Nezami, Social and Governance expert

A leading expert in the field of sustainable dynamic management and ESG reporting and CSRD. Fred brings a wealth of experience and knowledge, including his recently published book on CSRD (Getting Started with CSRD).

Fred Conijn, ESG expert, author and teacher

With a background in business administration and a passion for sustainability, Shashi contributes to our multidisciplinary team. He will focus on Social topics and help our clients set up business cases for sustainability initiatives.

Shashi Bholasingh, Financial Reporting Expert

Meet our intern, currently pursuing a master’s in Governance of Sustainability Transformations. During his internship, Federico will focus on the GHG Protocol (Scope 1/2/3), consulting various databases, journals, and sources to gather conversion tables for environmental impact disclosure purposes.

Federico Massari, Intern, Governance of sustainability transformations’ student at WUR


Geert Rutgers | CFO a.i.
Holland Colours

As interim CFO of Holland Colors, I would like to share my experience with One Click ESG. It has been highly positive and enjoyable. One Click ESG has provided us with excellent support in the ESG process, including the implementation of a double materiality analysis in accordance with the CSRD guidelines.

What really sets One Click ESG apart is their holistic approach with a multidisciplinary team. They approach the complex matter with their extensive expertise in reporting, environmental and legal matters. This multidisciplinary approach has helped us not only to comply with CSRD standards, but also to establish a practical and structured strategy for ESG data collection.

I highly recommend One Click ESG to organizations that are looking for a partner who is able to translate the complex matter of ESG/CSRD into a practical and flexible approach.


Corné van Nassau | CFO
Vrolijk Groep

Als CFO van Vrolijk Groep ben ik zeer tevreden met de praktische aanpak en begeleiding van One Click ESG in ons CSRD-traject. Duurzaamheid is voor ons een essentiële waarde in onze bedrijfsvoering, en het CSRD-traject volgen we niet alleen omdat het verplicht is, maar vooral omdat we het zien als een instrument om onze bestaande initiatieven gestructureerd te versterken en te verbeteren voor de toekomst.

De expertise en de praktische aanpak van One Click ESG helpen ons om een solide basis te leggen voor ons duurzaamheidsprogramma en ze hebben ons ook geïnspireerd om verder te gaan dan de basisvereisten. We kijken ernaar uit om onze samenwerking voort te zetten en impact te maken op een duurzame toekomst.

Clients we work for

Proud to work with these extraordinary companies



If you are looking for an experienced and reliable partner to handle your ESG reporting needs, look no further than One Click ESG. Contact us today to find out how we can help you achieve your ESG goals. Just fill in the form below, or reach out to Hasib Sharifzada directly. 

You can also view our brochure if you’re interested.